Indian Immunology Society

17th  to  20th  October, 2024 at J.N. Tata Auditorium, IISc, Bengaluru

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G.P. Talwar Young Scientist Awards

(Last date of submission: 31st August, 2024)

Gold Cup Gold Cup

Two awards are given annually to young researchers (below the age of 35 years) based on the selection criteria as specified in the SOP / Guidelines. Please refer to SOP of Awards for eligibility criteria and application/nomination procedure.

The nomination should be submitted through the Head of the Department or through the Research Supervisor of the candidate. It should include a copy of the CV of the candidate, list of papers published (if any) and an abstract of the work to be considered for the Award.

The Award carries a Certificate, a Medal and a Cash prize of Rs.10,000/- each.

The nominations should be submitted on the prescribed form 'Application/Nomination Form for IIS-Awards' before 31st August, 2024. When emailing, send directly to: with CC to including the subject as "IIS G.P. Talwar Young Scientist Award".

The selected awardee's name will be announced by mid-September, 2024.

GP Talwar Youg Scientis Award

Please refer to Guidelines of Awards for eligibility criteria, application and selection procedure.

Nomination Application Form General Guidelines