Indian Immunology Society (IIS)
The Indian Immunology Society (IIS) was established and registered in 1972, an initiative of the faculty members of AIIMS, New Delhi along with Indian Immunologists from various parts of the country, with the aim of developing and expanding the subject of immunology through training and research. The mission is to create trained human resource in immunology to fight the major health challenges in India and promote opportunities for professional growth of researchers at all stages of their careers. IIS members working in different research areas of Immunology collaborate to advance knowledge and address shared interests, facilitate exchange of ideas and information. These objectives are achieved by organising several scientific meetings and interactions of the society in different parts of the country throughout the year with most important being the IMMUNOCON, our annual scientific conference. Other educational activities include programs like Continuing Medical Education (CME), World Immunology Day celebrations, Workshops and Symposia in different regions of the country.
India was the first developing country globally to organize the International Congress of Immunology in New Delhi, way back in 1998. Further, IIS took the lead role in establishing the Federation of Immunological Societies of Asia-Oceania (FIMSA) in 1990s. IIS has organized several Immunology courses in partnership with IUIS and FIMSA. These courses have been great learning opportunities for young budding immunologists, not only from India, but also from the FIMSA region. Eminent international speakers from USA, Europe, Japan, Australia, South Africa and several other countries/continents have served as teaching faculty for these Immunology Courses.
Immense contributions of the Indian Immunologists during the COVID times for diagnosis, vaccines and novel therapeutics have been recognised nationally and internationally. The prominent Indian representation in diverse international forums including high positions in International immunology Unions (IUIS), Federations (FOCIS) and Immunology Societies of other nations (AAI, ASRI, ASI) marks the success of Indian Immunologists. IIS continues to strive for expanding the interactome of Indian Immunologists, international image building, decentralization with active zonal and sub zonal chapters, building Academia-Industry Partnership and Student Fellowships/Travel Grants. The society applauds and recognises the scientific achievements of its members every year by bestowing upon several awards:
- The IIS Senior Scientist Oration Award
- The IIS Mid-career Scientist Oration Award
- The IIS G.P. Talwar Young Scientists Awards
- The young scholars are motivated by the Best Oral Presentation Awards and Best Poster Presentation Awards.
IIS offers life membership to scholars pursuing research in various areas of immunology and related disciplines. The membership has been growing steadily with over 1200 life members, of which a large majority are emerging young minds.
The `Executive Committee' of the Society is an elected body of 16 members including a President, Secretary, Treasurer, Joint Secretary and 4 Vice Presidents (from four zones of India) and serves for a tenure of two years. The elections are held online independently by an Election Board after every two years. General Body Meeting is held annually along with IMMUNOCON and is empowered to take decisions on all matters of the Society.
Kindly visit IIS website to learn more about the society and its activities: