Indian Immunology Society

17th  to  20th  October, 2024 at J.N. Tata Auditorium, IISc, Bengaluru

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Student Travel Bursaries

(Last date of submission: 31st August, 2024)

Gold Cup Gold Cup

Eligibility and guidelines for travel grant to attend 51st Annual meeting of the Indian Immunology Society meeting.

  1. The applicant should be a member of the Indian Immunology Society from last two years (as of the 17th October 2024).
  2. The applicant should be below 35 years of age.
  3. The applicant should be a registered Ph.D candidate/ Project fellow/ Research assistant/ Project assistant etc. (Instructors/ Assistant Professor/ Faculty/ Scientist/ Research Scientist/ Project Scientist etc. are not eligible).
  4. A recommendation letter from the mentor/Reporting authority that the applicant has no other sources of funding to attend the meeting.
  5. The applicant must have an abstract submitted to the meeting.
  6. The travel grant winner will be eligible for reimbursement of registration fee and III AC return fare from official place of work to Bengaluru.
  7. The applicants are eligible to get a maximum of Rs 10000 (ten thousand only) towards travel and Registration.
  8. If the number of eligible candidates are less than the budgeted number of grants (travel + registration), the IIS will give “registration alone” reimbursement to local candidates.

Documents to be sent with travel grant application

  1. Cover letter with complete address of place of work and name of the railway station travelling from to Bengaluru. (If the candidate decides to travel by air, he /she will be reimbursed the III AC return fare as calculated from Nearest Railway station of place of work to Bengaluru along with the registration fee).
  2. Proof of registration.
  3. Proof of abstract submission (Attach copy of abstract as well).
  4. Brief CV.
  5. Proof of age.

Note: Bind all documents in one single file in PDF format and email them.

The IIS secretariat Email: & Copy to the treasurer (IIS) Email:

Documents to be submitted for reimbursement after the meeting

  1. Cover letter
  2. Original bill of registration
  3. Copy of train ticket or Original Boarding pass if travelling by air.

“Further details will be updated to the winners”